2019 – Coho Ho Ho Communications


This is the current status of information gathering for the communications system the Coho Ho Ho is using.

If you see your boat name here with a NO next to it then I need you to take action! Instructions on how to help are below the table.



# Names Boat Name delorme Share? inReach Text to weather@cohohoho.com? Notes E-Messaging
1 Annika & Craig Lacy Descanso YES YES . craig.lacy@inreach.garmin.com
3 Carson Leasure & Jamie Fowler Leeann YES YES .
4 Linda & Eric Ahlvin Rover YES YES .
5 Roderick Mercer & Kay Gowan Quijote YES YES . roderick.g.mercer@inreach.garmin.com
6 Sherry & Chuck Corsiglia Selah NO YES .
7 Eric Olsen & SR Balukoff Ciao YES YES No share data
9 Jane & Jerry McNaboe Shamaal YES YES . janemcnaboe@inreach.garmin.com
10 Betsy Ash & Warren Swope Cyan YES YES .
11 Catherine Cribb and Ken Horwitz Oceangirl NO YES .
13 Karri & Graham Alderson Pulsar YES YES pulsar@myiridium.net
14 SR Balukoff Ciao YES YES Crew on s/v Ciao
15 Jeff Osborn & Theresa Cole Boomerang YES YES jtosborn@inreach.garmin.com

How do I change the DELORME SHARE? field to yes?!

Follow these instructions: Enabling MapShare and send your MapShare link to weather@cohohoho.com

How do I send an inReach text to weather@cohohoho.com?

Follow the appropriate instructions below to send messages to the following address:

A sample message might look like this:

“Hello! This is Sam Smith, on the boat s/v Tropics. My mapshare name is /svtropics.”

You will receive a message back from weather@cohohoho.com confirming receipt.