2021 – Coho Ho Ho Communications


This is the current status of information gathering for the communications system the Coho Ho Ho is using.

If you see your boat name here with a NO next to it then I need you to take action! Instructions on how to help are below the table.

If you have an Iridium GO! device, please scroll down to the bottom of the page for instructions for your device.

# Who Boat Step 1
Step 3
Text to Weather@
Notes Step 2
0 Caroline and Ryan Spott sv Fizzgig Done Done Example Done
1 Kevin Moore s/v Arvonna
2 Jennifer and Michael Wade s/v Brightnest Done Done Done
3 Christi Kessler and Daniel Barton s/v Delfin NO NO NO
4 Liz and Randy Jensen s/v Fair Winds Done Done Done
5 Jenny and Mac Fraley s/v Maya Done Done Done
6 Rachel Hunter and Nojan Moshiri s/v Pasargada Done Done Done
7 Brandt Faatz s/v Priya Done Done Done
8 Olena and Maciek Sarnowicz s/v Qué Vendrá Done Done Done
9 Bill McCormack and Kristin Janczewski s/v Sacagawea Done Done Done
10 Rosy and Jim Addington m/v Sea Venture Done Done Done
11 Sherry and Chuck Corsiglia s/v Selah NO NO NO
12 Kirsten and Ron Risden s/v Just Lucky NO NO The Inreach is on a hiking trip. Will update Memorial Day NO
13 Tanya and James Tibbatts s/v Stella J NO NO Waiting until right before cutting lines NO
14 Chris White and Chris Hartley s/v Swanky NO NO NO
15 Anne Phyfe and Bez Palmer s/v Sweet Adeline NO NO Go! Was damaged. Waiting for new one. NO
16 Tim Allen and Ned Corkran s/v Traveler NO NO NO

— GARMIN Instructions—

Step 1.  How do I change the SHARENAME field to yes?!

Follow these instructions: Enabling MapShare and send your MapShare link to weather@cohohoho.com
Before you hit send on that mail, read further…

Step 2. How do I change the Messaging field to yes?!

Send your inreach address to weather@cohohoho.com

Step 3. How do I send an inReach text to weather@cohohoho.com?

Follow the instructions below to send messages to the following address:

A sample message might look like this:

“Hello! This is Sam Smith, on the boat s/v Tropics. My mapshare name is /svtropics.”

You will receive a message back from weather@cohohoho.com confirming receipt.

— Iridium GO! Instructions

Step 1. How do I change the SHARENAME? field to yes?!

If you use the PredictWind tracking service, simply send your tracking web page via email.
Example: http://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display/totem
If you do not use the predict wind service, please email rspott@cspott.com so we can work on this together.

Step 2. How do I change the Messaging field to yes?!

Send you Iridium GO! email address to weather@cohohoho.com.

Step 3. How do I send a text message to weather@cohohoho.com?

Using the app on your phone or tablet send a text message to weather@cohohoho.com

Instructions on how to do this with your GO! are below.

A sample message might look like this:

“Hello! This is Sam Smith, on the boat s/v Tropics. My mapshare name is /svtropics.”

You will receive a message back from weather@cohohoho.com confirming receipt.