Coho Ho Ho Administration-2017


Please do no share this information outside the Coho Group.

Name 1 Name 2 Boat Name delorme Share? inReach Text to Share Location? Inreach Internal Email
John Giuliano s/v Alabama YES YES svalabama jack_svalabama
Kevin Baerg Cressie Baerg s/v Blue YES YES livingdreamstoday kevinbaerg
Bob Vizenor Queen Vizenor s/v Emerald Mistress YES YES emeraldmistress vizenor
Scott Radford Phyllis Radford s/v Glory Days YES YES glorydays svglorydays1
Nathan Layton Laine Layton m/v Liahona YES YES liahona NathanielLayton
Curtis Denmark Julie Denmark s/v Manna YES YES svmanna svmanna
Richard Anderson Devon Thurtle Anderson s/v Mobert YES YES mobert crew1
Molly Good Anthony Danubio s/v Opus II YES YES  opusII goodnubio
Lou Zielinski Kari Zielinski s/v Passport YES YES loukarizielinski svpassport.ak
Blaise Favata Sheila Thompson s/v Rhumb Line YES YES rhumbline rhumbline2
Dave Hostvedt Jan Bennett s/v Severance YES YES svseverance hossdph
Todd Silva Shelby Silva s/v The Answer YES YES svtheanswer tsilva
Paul Wright Debra Wright s/v Three Quarter Time YES YES paulwright trbndoc
Jason Haase April Bottman-Haase s/v Westy YES YES svwesty svwesty I have the password
Suzie Zueke Rick Antles s/v White Raven YES YES whiteraven rantles I have the password.
Barry Constant Cathy Barnes s/v Blue Oasis NO YES
Roger Davies s/v Ocean Star NO NO
Caroline Spott Ryan Spott s/v Waponi Woo YES YES waponiwoo cspott Coolest. Boat. EVER.

How do I change the DELORME SHARE? field to yes?!

Follow these instructions: Enabling MapShare and send your MapShare link to

How do I send an inReach text to

Follow the appropriate instructions below to send messages to the following addresses:

A sample message might look like this:

“Hello! This is Sam Smith, on the boat s/v Tropics. My mapshare name is /svtropics.”

You will receive a message back from confirming receipt.

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