


Our target leave date is August 14th. Between now and then there is a great deal to do. We have a door full of sticky notes separated into “needs to be done,” “currently working on,” and “finished.” Ryan informs me this system is called a Kanban board; it seems to be working pretty well for a project of this scope. Having it all in my head wasn’t scaling well. The “needs to be done” category outnumbers the others exponentially. To be fair, there are a lot of items we completed before we started the sticky note system Completed: Autopilot – We have an autopilot! I had no idea have barbaric having to continuously steer was. Once you go autopilot, you will never go back.Multi-Function Display (chart plotter) – Our previous chart plotter was starting toMFD was not compatible with the old radar.GPS – delaminate. It was ten years old and…